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I am often asked what locations do I recommend. My response is most of the time; What is your vision or what type of look are you wanting? If I know what you are looking for, I can match you to an ideal spot! Salem and surrounding areas have so many options for sessions. Tall […]

Location for Photo Session in the Willamette Valley

Family portraits, Locations, photography

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Toddlers are so stinking cute but BOY are they FULLL of energy!!! I often get asked “how is it that you get great shots of little people?” I am here to tell you my secret of a photo sessions with toddlers! Whether it’s a 1st birthday cake smash or a spring mini session, I highly […]

children, Locations, photography, Uncategorized

Photo Sessions with Toddlers

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When I book a person or couple for a session I often ask them, “do you have any ideas where you would like to shoot?” Some have a look that they want, some have seen a friends pictures that they liked, some well have no clue (and that’s ok!) So I thought I would do […]

Picking a Great Location for your Next Shoot!

Locations, photography, Uncategorized