June 6, 2021
I know that some of you like photos that are people centered or little to no background but
when you are shooting at the beautiful Adelman Peony Gardens you can’t help but get some of
those gorgeous flowers in the background!!! I was so excited when Danelle wanted to shoot at
the Peony fields for Millie’s 2 nd birthday session.
Just in case you missed Millie’s 1 st birthday photoshoot, here is the link to her super cute cake
smash and session with mom and dad! Millie is such a great little model, she is a good sitter,
she listens well and she’s use to looking at a camera~ bonus!!!
I brought a few things with me for our session in the field, a small chair and a bench and a solid-
colored blanket. These three are great options when shooting little people and families, as it
will give you some good options for sitting when there aren’t options for this. One word of
warning for you, other people will love to borrow your items if you have left them out, I had to
chase someone down wanting to take my little chair. Whoops!
The first location we shot at was the test garden area, which has a little shade and a water
feature, lots of color but lots of people on a sunny day, so if you’re a photographer, you will get
really good at editing!!! The test gardens are beautiful and you have a lot of options and could
do the entire session there but you know me, I like to move around and give you different
The second location is out in the fields. Adelman’s have 25 acres of gorgeous flowers from May
1st to June 15th . This is the only time frames their fields are open so put this on your “must-see”
list! I have even asked off season to come out and take photos and they have turned me down
(insert sad face here)! The fields have nice wide walkways and isles with lots of room to shoot.
Millie loved shooting out in the fields because she could sit on the bench, sit with mom and
dad, sit on the blanket and run around, and her favorite fly up in the air! Millie is soo smart, she
said her ABC’s and sang a song for me and counted to 10!! Did I mention she also puts her own shoes on herself!!! Danielle and Jack give her lots of love and attention I can’t wait to see her blossom!
Happy Birthday 2nd birthday Millie! Go check out Millie’s full session or check out my social media for more of Millie’s session: Facebook and Instagram
Don’t forget to follow my blog or even book your next session!! See you soon in front of my camera!!